HGH therapy (human growth hormone) is the only anti-aging treatment that is known to make people actually become younger on their face and at that by a whopping 10 years or more. The proteins of our skin consist of collagen and elastin which when we’re young are neatly intertwined like a beautifully designed rug. Just like a rug that is exposed to heat, light and various impacts begins to loose its color and get various holes and abrasions so dose our skin begin to develop deep wrinkles and spots as the neat consistent pattern of collagen and elastin erodes. One factor in this erosion is the decrease in the manufacture of elastin and collagen as well as a change in their intertwined structure. As we age the fat just below our skin on our face is lost and with that loss comes less hydration of our skin cells so that they dry out and shrink leaving the prune like appearance of age. Aging causes fat to collect around the belly and to be lost on the face.
As the author of this site I know that the first major change I noticed in my body occurred in the third month. The skin on my hands and all over my body became thicker and more flexible. I used to pull down heavy weight doing weight lifting with a metal bar that had patterns on it for grip. The calluses on my hand used to always peel off but in the third month they no longer did this using the same weight and even greater weight as I became stronger.