Kinds of HGH

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Human growth hormone better known in abbreviated form as HGH is not a steroid. In the United States – and I am sure in other countries – in the form of homeopathic Hgh it is over the counter (non-prescription). Some experts claim that it is just as effective as needle-injectable Hgh. To learn more about homeopathic Hgh click the highlighted link. Needle-injected HGH requires a prescription and is far more expensive with a greater possibility of misuse and high side effects. Howard Turney, the father of Growth Hormone, in his book, “Feeling Younger with Homeopathic HGH”, says, “My wife and I have been using (homeopathic HGH)…for some time now… and we are receiving the benefits we were previously experiencing with the injectable form of HGH and at a greatly reduced price.”


Those Sensitive to Alcohol

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Those Sensitive to Alcohol: According to Dr. Howard Davis, if you are sensitive to alcohol, which is often used in homeopathic products, if you notice any irritation under the tongue due to the alcohol, or if you do not care for the taste, you can place the dose of 2 sprays in a small amount (3 ounces) of warm, not hot water for one minute to evaporate the alcohol. Remember that your body creates alcohol naturally. Dr. Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, suggested that another way for sensitive people to take homeopathic products is to apply the homeopathic product topically either to the undersides of the wrists, stomach, face or chest.

Healing Reactions

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Healing Reactions: According to Dr. Howard Davis, during the healing process, some people may experience overt effects like a stronger heartbeat, headache, upset stomach, etc. You can easily reduce this by temporarily ceasing to take the homeopathic HGH or by reducing the amount of HGH and taking it in water once a day, or every other day in the morning or evening.

Sometimes you may experience slight “aches and pains” in areas where you had old injuries. According to homeopathic principles, your body is “feeling” energy in an area where energy was previously blocked. This is called “retracing” or “aggravation.” If symptoms are too strong, stop taking the homeopathic HGH temporarily; or take less, and take it in water. When symptoms are relieved, and your body gets used to the “new” energy, you can slowly increase the homeopathic HGH to recommended amounts.

Some people may experience slight “detoxification” effects or temporary “tiredness”. Therapeutic homeopathic agents encourage the body toward health without artificially suppressing symptoms. If you experience uncomfortable detoxifying, stop or reduce the frequency and dosage until the effects pass (two to three days or longer), and drink lots of distilled water. You may put a reduced amount of homeopathic HGH in water, but be sure to replace the water soluble vitamins, such as B complex and vitamin C, since large amounts of water can flush them out of the body.

Sometimes, the body “retraces” or experiences a past health condition or an old injury. When this happens, the body is “cleansing ” itself of that past condition. This is normal and should disappear in a few days or weeks, depending on your condition. This is similar to detoxification and should be handled as such.


Diabetic Improvements

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Diabetic Improvements: Research shows that diabetics on HGH therapy decreased their need for insulin which is very good news! However, this means you need to check your glucose level more often and report any changes to your medical doctor. If you are a diabetic or even if you have any medical condition you should consult your doctor before taking homeopathic HGH. You certainly should not stop or change any of your medications without your doctor knowing it or ordering it.

If You Have Hyperthyroidism

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If You Have Hyperthyroidism: Those with hyperthyroidism have an abnormally high metabolism and since HGH therapy is known to increase the metabolism this could possibly worsen the condition. However, HGH therapy may very well bring improvements over time as HGH brings greater balance in relation to other hormones. It is important that you consult your doctor so he can check your thyroid function and decrease your thyroid medication as may be needed. Please do not change or stop any of your medications unless your private doctor orders it.

High Blood Pressure Improvements

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High Blood Pressure Improvements: It is known that HGH therapy lowers high blood pressure which means you may not need as much blood pressure medication while taking homeopathic HGH. See more on how HGH improves blood pressure. Your blood pressure will need to be monitored and changes reported to your doctor so please do not stop or change any of your medications unless your doctor knows about it and orders it.

Misinformation About Increased Cancer Risk

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Misinformation About Increased Cancer Risk: Some in the Medical Community are saying that those with higher levels of Insulin Growth Factor One (IGF-1) have a higher risk for cancer. Obviously this should cause genuine concern. In earlier testing with human growth hormone there was some serious concern for researchers and physicians about the possibility of getting cancer with HGH therapy. Insulin Growth Factor One (IGF-1) and HGH both stimulated the growth of leukemia and cancer cells in culture and large doses of GH induced cancer in laboratory animals and promoted tumors in rats. However, according to Pharmacia Upjohn (1998) specific tests for cancer causing potential have not been done with HGH and tests in cells in culture and on chromosomes in living animals have not revealed evidence of mutation which is the first step in the development of cancer. Also, Dr. Edmund Chein treated 800 patients with HGH between 1994 and 1996 who were all over 40 which considering their age and the normal incidence rate of cancer means some of them should have gotten cancer and yet none did which indicates a protective effect from HGH replacement. Also, even more compelling is the fact that PSA levels, a marker of prostrate problems including cancer did not increase in any of the male patients. In one case a patient came to Chein with very high PSA levels of 50 to 60 (normal 0.0 to 4.0 and men with cancer 10 to 20s) This patient refused surgery and instead Chein treated him with GH along with DHEA and melatonin but not testosterone. The mans PSA levels came down to a range of 5 to 7. It is speculated that the reason this happened is because human growth hormone stimulated the immune system with its natural killer cells which effectively destroyed the cancer cells. There is also more extended studies supporting this.

High Doses of Direct
HGH Injections Cause Dangerous Side Effects

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If direct HGH injections are ignorantly or blatantly used in a far higher and more frequent amount than the body can naturally produce it will significantly increase the risk of cancer. While there is no documented studies that show bodybuilders taking abusive amounts of between 10 and 100 times physiologic replacement levels have increased deaths, medical workers and researchers have seen the unmistakable side effects. In fact, Dr. Robert Goldman, president of the National Academy of Sports Medicine says, “I have seen people die from this. One of them was a 44 year old athlete who died of a massive heart attack.” Athletes that do this are in the same risk category as Acromegalics who have a condition that pours abnormal amounts of HGH into their system. They have a higher mortality rate in cancer deaths, heart attack deaths and death from diabetes. Today even needle injected HGH is administered at safe levels and proper frequency.

Evidence of Cancer Risk In Right Context

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However, there are professionals that do indicate far greater concern about cancer from needle injected HGH. For example, Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., Professor Environmental Medicine, University of Illinois School of Public Health, Chicago, and Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition is very critical of using any type of HGH and points to prestigious peer reviewed scientific journals showing that elevated IGF-1 levels are strongly associated with major excess risks of colon, prostate, and breast cancers. It would be good if he actual showed these to see if they really apply or exist. However, he then says an amazing statement, “It should, however, be recognized that HGH absorption from the mouth and gut is unlikely to be significant, in striking contrast to complete absorption from injectable medication. Nevertheless, nutritional HGH supplements should be phased out until it can be shown that they do not elevate blood IGF-1 levels.” Here is a strong critic of today’s HGH therapy making it clear that our type of product, Pro-Blen HGH is exceptionally safe compared to the needle injected HGH that he claims he has evidence to show causes cancer. One has to seriously question and investigate if the evidence is really valid and serious that increased IGF-1 increases cancer risk when, for example, looking at the evidence against HGH replacement present in the next paragraph below. In fact the evidence points strongly the other way when looking at the up to date large clinical studies mentioned in the 2nd paragraph below.

A recent study reported in the July 27, 2002, issue of The Lancet, suggests a link between cancer and HGH replacement therapy. However, they then say, that the hormone received by the people in the study came from human tissue, a practice that was discontinued when it was linked to the risk of inducing Creutzfeldt Jakob disease. Since 1985, patients treated with HGH have received a genetically engineered synthetic protein, and there are no data on whether this treatment modality is risky. The authors also said the findings should be interpreted cautiously because of the small numbers of patients in the cohort, and they emphasized the need for additional data from other sources. Also there is no evidence has linked HGH to cancer in athletes.

Also, Renasci Anti-Aging Center says the following on their site , “A number of long-term studies have been underway in the U.S. and abroad for nearly 15 years and have followed over 65,000 children and 6,000 adults treated with HGH. Reports from these phase IV studies are published annually and, to date, none has established a link between HGH treatment and an increased risk of any type of cancer. Recently, a comprehensive study reviewed the real risks facing children with brain tumors who were treated with growth hormone. This population has, traditionally, been considered at high-risk for tumor recurrence. The researchers found that the risk of tumor recurrence was, in fact, lower in the hGH-treated group as compared to the untreated group. Let’s review the specifics…. The Study In this study 1 , one of the largest published of its kind, researchers reviewed the medical records of 1071 pediatric patients with brain tumors treated at the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, England between 1965 and 1996. Of these, 180 patients had received HGH subsequent to their radiotherapy treatment and 891 patients received just radiotherapy but not hGH. In the hGH-treated group, 35 first recurrences were reported while in the untreated group there were 434 first recurrences. As such, the risk of having a recurrence of the brain tumor in the hGH-treated group compared with the untreated group was significantly less, as was the risk of death. These results are consistent with other literature published on the topic indicating that hGH therapy does not increase the risk of tumor formation. Renasci Anti-Aging Center continually monitors data from the following phase IV clinical trials: National Cooperative Growth Study (NCGS), National Cooperative Somatotropin Study (NCSS), Kabi International Growth Study (KIGS), and Kabi International Metabolic Study (KIMS). These long-term surveillance studies, conducted in the U.S. and Europe, continue to be important not only in tracking the benefits of hGH therapy but also in identifying and evaluating potential risks. Reference: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism .
2000; 85: 4444-4449 ”

All of this points to very strong evidence that HGH homeopathic products are safe in regards to increasing the risk of cancer and will probably even prevent cancer. Even if there is a slight increase of risk for cancer the chances are far greater of dying from an heart attack than cancer and tests clearly show HGH therapy strengthens the heart and cardiovascular system. However, the very best thing to do is to take other anti-aging products that have been proven to protect from things like breast cancer.

The following links show in detail how to strongly protect yourself from cancer. If you go to lifeextension.com you will read there the following: “Anti-aging cell renewal hormones, precursor hormones and their metabolites include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, growth hormone, and insulin growth factors (ICF-1 and IGF-2).

The cell renewal properties of these hormones make them ideal anti-aging therapies. However, a significant risk factor in using growth hormones is the possibility that improper levels, or an inadequate balance of these hormones, may promote cancer cell proliferation. Until we have a cure for cancer, following our recommended guidelines should provide women with significant life extension benefits without increased risk of breast (and other types) of cancer.

So here are the recommended guidelines to prevent this danger. The whole article including the summary is at: lifeextension.com/protocols/cancer/breast-cancer

Positive benefits in the first 30 days will be noticed by many but please do not expect to see all the benefits associated with human growth hormone in the first 30 days. Some of the more major benefits usually take longer to notice, however, if one does see some positive results in the first 30 days then the body appears to be responding and one may then expect to see more positive results as the therapy continues. Of course everyone’s body is different, and will respond in its own way, please keep this in mind. To learn more about what one can expect to see, month by month, please see “The Benefits of HGH”. If, after taking the product as directed for 30 days, one sees absolutely no results, then it may take more than 30 days to notice benefits, or the body may not be responding to the formula. I have had a few rare cases of clients with serious medical conditions telling me their benefits began in the 2nd month of therapy. So, if one does have serious health issues, it is possible that more than one month may be needed to see benefits.


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1. Pro-Blen Pharmacy Homeopathic HGH Doseage Instructions
(Price $29.97 each if you buy 3) Contains homeopathic human growth hormone and pituitary glandular, which is involved in normalizing the pituitary and assisting in release of HGH.

Dosage: 2 sprays under the tongue three times a day, or as recommended by your health care provider.

2. Pro-Blen Pharmacy Homeopathic HGH Plus IGF-1
(Price $56.63 each if you buy 3) Contains the active ingredients homeopathic human growth hormone, deer antler which contains IGF-1, and IGF-2 the growth factors necessary for the activation of HGH. Contains Arnica Montana (Leopard Bane) which moderates emotional fluctuations, redness of the face, and feelings of indifference. Contains

Arnica Montana (Leopard Bane) (6X)
Moderates emotional fluctuations, redness of the face, and feelings of indifference

Deer Antler (6X)

Human Growth Hormone (30X, 12C)
Helps balance blood levels of Human Growth Hormone. relieves feelings of low energy. Helps decrease excess body fat and overall weight.

Pituitary Extract (5C)
Balances the endocrine glands, particularly the pituitary gland which secretes HGH. Promotes muscular development and muscular activity. Supports restful sleep due to improved hormonal balance.

Pituitary Extract (7C)
the same as above.

Pituitary Extract (9C)
the same as above.

Thuja Occidentalis (Arbor Vitæ) (6X)
Treatment for irritable mood and emotional discord; treats general debility and muscular weakness

Dosage: 2 sprays under the tongue three times a day, or as recommended by your health care provider.


Special Instructions For Both Products:

The product should be taken under the tongue slowly, giving the 2 sprays at least 30 seconds, and preferably one minute to absorb before swallowing.
The mucus membranes of the mouth should be clean when the sprays are taken, so nothing interferes with the absorption of the product.


According to homeopathic principles, it is recommended that food, toothpaste, chewing gum, coffee, mint, etc. be avoided for at least a half hour before and after the dose, so there will be less likelihood of interference with the homeopathic action. It is best to take the first dose upon awaking in the morning before brushing the teeth, and then wait 30 minutes before brushing the teeth or gargling.

To see the best benefits we recommend taking the product at about the same time each day. The best times to take the product is first thing in the morning, in the afternoon (around 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.) and last thing before going to sleep. Even if you take the product at other times, you should still receive good benefits.

How supplied: Supplied in 1 fl. oz. (30 ml) bottles which is a 30 day supply.

Storage: Although the products are supplied in a light protective bottle, it is best to store the bottle in a cool, dry place, away from direct light. The unopened product is stable and maintains potency under normal conditions for at least two years. Although the ethanol acts as a good preservative, it is best to avoid unscrewing the cap needlessly. Dr. Davis recommends that homeopathic HGH be kept away from extreme heat or light and away from drugs, toxic substances, x-ray, EMF’s (electromagnetic fields). This is just a precaution since every substance has it limitations. Generally speaking, homeopathic ingredients are hardy and stable. Some homeopathists have reported using homeopathics that were over 100 years old and still worked!

Amazing Benefits of HGH: Achieving Biological Age Reversal

Unlock the secrets of biological age reversal with HGH. Discover its amazing benefits, from enhanced energy to youthful skin. Embrace a new, vibrant you today.

Understanding Hormonal Functions and Their Importance

Explore how hormones impact your health in “Understanding Hormonal Functions and Their Importance.” Unveil the mystery behind these vital, unseen messengers.

The Impact of HGH on Adult Life and Its Age-Reversal Potential

Explore how Human Growth Hormone can reverse aging, enhance vitality, and rethink longevity. Discover HGH’s role in adult life and the future of age-reversal.

Exploring the Role of Hormones in Human Life

Discover how hormones intricately orchestrate our daily lives, from managing stress to regulating emotions, influencing everything from mood to metabolism.

What Does HGH Do to You as an Adult? Exploring the Benefits

Explore the intriguing effects of HGH on adults. Discover how this hormone boosts vitality, reduces aging, and enhances wellness for a rejuvenated life.

Decoding the Benefits and Importance of Hormones in the Endocrine System

Unlock the secrets of your body’s orchestra. Discover how hormones in the endocrine system regulate everything from mood to metabolism, ensuring your well-being.

Can You Use HGH Safely for a Youthful Transformation?

Explore if HGH can truly reverse aging in our latest post. Uncover benefits, risks, and real stories to see if a youthful transformation is safe with medical guidance.

Understanding the Hormones in the Human Body and Their Importance

Delve into the complex world of hormones, exploring their roles in keeping your body in balance. Unravel their significance for a healthier, vibrant life.

Exploring the Safety of Using HGH in Age Reversal

Delve into the potential and risks of using HGH for age reversal. Explore scientific insights, safety concerns, and alternatives to make an informed choice.

Understanding the Key Hormones of the Endocrine System

Discover the vital role hormones play in your body and how they maintain balance. Dive into the fascinating world of the endocrine system and its key players.

HGH for 20 Years Younger