What Is Homeopathy?


What is Homeopathy?

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Homeopathy is a system of medicine that treats illness by the stimulation of the body’s own healing powers. Homeopathy gently encourages the body to do more of what it is already trying to do to heal itself. Think of homeopathy as somewhat similar to the principle behind vaccines: a little bit of the “disease” is given in order to prompt the body to better heal itself. Homeopathy has the added advantage of using micro-doses, which means that there are no side effects and no risk of toxicity.

Homeopathic therapy has three underlying rules:

1.) Any pharmacologically active substance can cause a set of symptoms in an otherwise healthy individual.

2.) Anyone suffering from a particular disease presents a set of symptoms that is characteristic of that disease.

3.) A remission of the symptoms can be obtained by administration of a small quantity of the substance whose experimental effects are similar to the symptoms of the patient.


Understanding the “Law of Similars”

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Homeopathic medicine is based on a principle called the Law of Similars—which says that if a natural substance in large amounts causes a symptom in a healthy person, it will, in small amounts, stimulate the body’s own curative powers in the unhealthy individual.

An example of the Law of Similars is red onions. Imagine what happens when someone chops a red onion—watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and an irritated throat develops. A medicine can be made from the red onion, following a very specific laboratory process; this medicine will safely and effectively treat the symptoms of watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and throat irritation. According to the Law of Similars, the symptoms experienced by an individual do not need to be caused by the red onion; they can result from a mild allergy or the common cold, just as long as the symptoms are similar.

See also: Homeopathic potencies

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The information presented in The Natural Pharmacy is for informational purposes only. It is based on scientific studies (human, animal, or in vitro), clinical experience, or traditional usage as cited in each article. The results reported may not necessarily occur in all individuals. For many of the conditions discussed, treatment with prescription or over-the-counter medication is also available. Consult your physician, nutritionally oriented health care practitioner, and/or pharmacist for any health problem and before using any supplements or before making any changes in prescribed medications.


Understanding Homeopathy Potency

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Homeopathic therapy involves the use of infinitesimally small doses. The first step in producing a homeopathic medication is to prepare a mother tincture (MT), which is the base substance derived from a natural source. Mother tinctures are made according to very strict guidelines and are different from regular tinctures in subtle but important ways.

Mother tinctures are the source for homeopathy preparations, which are designated as either x potency or c potency. Keep in mind that according to Roman numerals, x equals 10 and c equals 100. Therefore, x potencies are made in a homeopathic laboratory by diluting one part of the mother tincture with nine parts of water or alcohol. This new mixture (1:9) is then shaken vigorously. This is called succussion and it is absolutely essential in the homeopathic manufacturing process. Succusion is the potentizing process; without succussion after each dilution, a homeopathic medicine would not be complete.

In the above example, the mother tincture was diluted once, so the result is called a 1x potency. In the next step, one part of the 1x is mixed with nine parts of water or alcohol, and after succussion, this new mixture is called 2x. This process is continued to produce 3x, 4x, and so on.

A similar process produces the c potencies. One part of the mother tincture is diluted in ninety-nine parts of water or alcohol and succussed to produce a 1c potency. One part of the 1c potency is then mixed with ninety-nine parts of water or alcohol and again this new bottle is shaken vigorously, yielding a 2c potency. This process can be continued to produce 3c, 4c, and so on.

[] The following Q & A section is meant to address the most commonly asked questions and clear up most misconceptions about Pharmacy In Blend™ HGH.
If you have a question that is not addressed in this section please e-mail Pro-Net with your question and we will respond and add it to this section.

Is the the Pharmacy In Blend™ HGH real hgh?

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No, and any Homeopathic product claiming to be is fraudulent or illegal! The drug known as HGH is regulated by the FDA and can only be sold by prescription. Homeopathic OTC (over the counter) drugs are products formulated using some active ingrediant(s) which is then dilluted according to the formula’s recipe. Even though a Homeopathic product may begin with an active ingredient, once it is dilutted there may not be a tracable amount of the original active ingredient. Which is the case with Pharmacy In Blend™ HGH. To understand how Homeopathy works please read below.
Any product with tracable amounts of HGH is a prescription drug and would be against the law to sell OTC.


How does the Pharmacy In Blend™ Homeopathic products work?

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The Pharmacy In Blend™ Homeopathic product is formulated for the production, release, and activation of HGH and pituitary glandular which is involved in normalizing the pituitary and assisting in the body’s natural release of HGH. Consequently, the 3 pronged approach (replacement, release and activity of HGH) by this product is superior to other products.

(In layman terminology our product is not HGH by a Homeopathic formula designed to help the body function naturally at optimum levels. Unlike injections which force an outside drug into the body, Pro-Net’s Pharmacy In Blend™ homeopathic formula stimulates the body to function on its on in growth hormone production and secretion. The product helps stimulate the body to produce hGH, it stimulates the body to release the growth hormone it produces. In addition our formula acts to activate the GH once it’s released.)

Pharmacy In Blend™ Homeopathic HGH Plus IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor) is a safe and effective homeopathic formulation of growth factors, metabolites and pituitary extracts that can help restore the body’s HGH and IGF-1 to more youthful levels.

IGF-1 is a natural protein required for normal growth and health maintenance. IGF-1 is structurally and chemically similar to insulin and is normally present in almost all body tissues and fluids including human breast milk and saliva. Abnormally low levels of IGF-1 are associated with several disease conditions including dwarfism, malnutrition, osteoporosis and infertility. It has been suggested that a decline in IGF-1 levels in human tissue causes many of the degenerative changes associated with aging.

Where does HGH come from?

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Growth Hormone is one of many hormones released in the body and plays a vital role in the growth and development of body. The name most commonly used when referring to genetically engineered (recombinant) growth hormone is “Somatotrophin” and it is often referred to as Human Growth Hormone (HGH) or Growth Hormone (GH). Growth Hormone is composed of 191 amino acids.

Understanding Homeopathy

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Homeopathy is an alternative system of medicine that was founded in the early 19th century by a German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. It had its greatest popularity in the late 19th century here in the United States, when 15% of the doctors in this country were homeopaths. However, with the advent of modern medicine, homeopathy began to look old and stodgy and its popularity took a nose-dive. However, since 1980 homeopathy has seen a resurgence of interest in the United States and homeopathic books can be found in many bookstores and homeopathic physicians in most major cities.

Classical homeopathy rests on three principles: the law of similars, the single medicine, and the minimum dose. The law of similars states that a disease is cured by a medicine which creates symptoms similar to those the patient is experiencing in a healthy person. Hence an important part of the prescription of a homeopathic medicine is a lengthy interview to determine all the symptoms the patient is experiencing. The homeopathic physician then determines which medicine best matches the symptoms the patient is experiencing and prescribes it. The principle of the single remedy states that a single medicine should cover all the symptoms the patient is experiencing: mental, emotional, and physical. A classical homeopath would not prescribe one medicine for a headache and another for an upset stomach, he or she would find a single medicine that covered both symptoms. The principle of the minimum dose has two parts. First the homeopathic physician only prescribes a small number of doses of the homeopathic medicine and waits to see what effect the medicine has. Second, the medicine is given in an infinitesimal dose. Homeopaths have discovered that the effect of homeopathic medicines is strengthened upon successive dilution’s as long as the medicine is succussed (shaken) between each dilution. Medicines are typically used in very high dilution’s such as 30C (1 part in 10^-60) or 200C (1 part in 10^-400).


What evidence is there that homeopathy works?

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Homeopathy has a two hundred year track record of curing illness. It first came to widespread public attention through its effectiveness in curing epidemics of cholera in the 19th century. During the great influenza epidemic after World War I, homeopathic hospitals reported very low death rates, while hospitals employing conventional medicine reported death rates of 20% to 30%. Since World War II, the double blind clinical trial has become the “gold standard” for determining the effectiveness of medical treatment. A number of double blind trials have been done on the use of homeopathy on a number of medical conditions. Although not every study has shown a positive outcome, the majority of studies have shown that homeopathy is effective.

Three meta-analyses of clinical trials of homeopathy have been done in the last decade and all have reached the same conclusion: homeopathy is an effective system of medical treatment. The most recent study was published in the September 20, 1997 issue.of Lancet. This study, conducted by Dr. Wayne Jonas, head of the Office of Alternative medicine, and Dr. Klaus Linde, concluded that when the evidence of the 89 studies of homeopathy judged to be of good quality was pooled, homeopathy was 2.45 times more effective than placebo. Another study was conducted in 1996 by the Homeopathic Medicine Research Group, formed by the European Union to determine the effectiveness of homeopathy. This study is notable in that sceptics of homeopathy were involved in its design. The study pooled results from 17 clinical trials involving 2001 patients and found that homeopathy was more effective than placebo and the probability was 0.027% that this result was due to chance. Unfortunately, this study has not been published in a medical journal, so it is not readily available. The third meta-analysis was published in the February 9, 1991 issue of the British Medical Journal. It was performed by two Dutch researchers, who were asked to assess the efficacy of various forms of alternative medicine. Although they were sceptics of homeopathy and alternative medicine generally, they reported. “The amount of positive results came as a surprise to us.” and, “The evidence presented in this review would probably be sufficient for establishing homeopathy as a regular treatment for certain indications.” Abstracts for the two published meta-analyses, as well as several clinical trials, can be found on my web page of studies of homeopathy.

Can I treat myself and my family with homeopathy?

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Homeopathy is only to be used by those who self diagnose themselves. For someone to self-diagnosed themselves as being hgh deficient the symptoms are fairly well defined and may include some of the following: decrease in exercise performance, fatigue, reduced feelings of well being, increase in abdominal obesity, skin changes.


Guiding Symptoms and Characteristics of Growth Hormone

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General: fatigue, night sweats, loss of lean body mass, impaired linear growth, abnormal growth of skin or tissue
Muscles: loss of lean body mass; low muscle strength; muscle trembling
Metabolic: weight loss; fatigue; no energy
Skeletal Bones and Joints: stiffness, joint pain; carpal tunnel syndrome;
disfigurement of joints and bones, esp. hands, feet, and face
Abdomen: nausea/vomiting; pain on left side; bloating
Head: headaches, poor memory
Face: bleeding gums
Kidney: kidney problems
Immune: allergies, repeated, constant infections, lymph node enlargement
Circulation: high blood pressure, fluid retention, hypertension
Physical Appearance: gland enlargement, including breasts
Mental/Psychological: mood swings, depression, anger, anxiety
Skin/Extremities: dry/itching skin; Increased skin thickness, water retention


The information provided at this site has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a diagnosis, treatment, or prescription for any disease. We recommend you consult your healthcare provider concerning taking any health/nutritional products

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